Image source: WEBB Telescope Image: 600 Million years after the Big-Bang:

Discover the Synergy between
Christianity and Science:


Thesis Development

Thesis Development

Christianity knows from the life of Christ and biblical revelations that God is Love (e.g., ESV: John 2:16; ESV: 1 John 4:7-12; Papal encyclical “Deus Caritas Est” Pope Benedict XVl, Vatican 25. December 2005).

In the Christmas event, God, the Son of God, became a human person. Jesus Christ. The mystery of the Incarnation that God can be God in that which is not God but a human being, is at the center of Christianity. Incarnation is also at the center of the relationship between God and Creation because the Word of God, that is God, is also the heart of Creation, of that which is essentially not God. Therefore, the mystery of the Incarnation sheds light on the problem of how Christianity relates to Creation. If God can be God in that which is not God, then the Word of God, that is God, can also be the creative center of Creation.

Modern science moving closer to truth, uncovered that there is just one universal creative process: the emergence of novelties through sequential syntheses (Pierre Teilhard de Chardin: “The Human Phenomenon,” Harper and Row, 1955, p. 268).
Since Teilhard wrote this, science has gained significant insights into the Nature of the creative process; it is not teleological but probabilistic (historical). One crucial discovery is that the sequential synthesis process started with the big bang's original explosion. The second major insight gained by science is the re-discovery of the ancient Greek philosopher’s realization that wholes are more than the sum of their parts (Euclid, Aristotle).

The creative process originated from within the big bang explosion about 13.8 billion years ago. Out of the homogenous, smooth, undifferentiated plasma, spacetime emerged. Space and time opened the possibility of starting the creative process. The essence of this process is the sequential emergence of novelty through integrating elements previously united. From the basis of quantum physics to the elements listed in the periodic chart to the complex molecules from which life and later consciousness emerged, unities and wholes have properties that their parts do not have. Unifying diversity into unity is the ontological principle that creates novelty.

Discover the synergy between Christianity and Science: Thesis: Because God is love, creation is Gods gift

Professor Dr. Rudolf B. Brun

About Rudolf Brun (RB) did his Ph.D. with Professor Adolf Portmann in Basle, Switzerland: Topic: Pattern development in the pheasant Argusianus argus (Revue Swiss de Zoology, Tome 78, fasc. 1, no 2: pp. 115-134, June 1971.) RB was invited to join the theology/philosophy groups (SG/AAG) founded by Hans Urs Cardinal von Balthasar. Later, at the University of Geneva RB had grants from the Swiss National Science Foundation; topic: genetics of development (cloning). After moving to the University of Indiana, Bloomington, and to TCU in Fort Worth TX, RB got grants from NSF to investigated the eyeless mutant Axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum). At TCU he met Professor of Theology Dr. Davie Grant with whom he developed and taught the course Religion and Science.